How to Prevent Hearing Damage When Using Headphones

If the individuals think hearing loss only occurs due to aging, there is the shocking news that you will also lose your hearing ability with the higher usage of the headphones or earphones. In the current times, over 30 % of the population with the hearing problems gets such condition due to the regular use of headphones. Now days, many people especially youngsters often use the headphones to listen the music at work, during the transportation, at home and also at gym.

In order to fall asleep quickly, some bodies have a habit of listening music in the headphones. Hearing music is a good habit but using ear phones or headphones will send the maximum exposure of sound directly into your inner hearing parts of the ears. So, you will quickly lose the hearing abilities. If you are careful in the usage of this head phone device, you can easily reduce or avoid the chances of losing the hearing ability in the life.

How loud noises are very common while hearing music?

If you are creating, producing or listening to the music, it is very important to notice that you are using the head phones. Through the use of the musical instruments like head phones with the higher decibel level and longer exposure of the sound waves will surely cause hearing damage. The following are the different types of hearing damages experienced by the different kinds of people such as,

*     Sensorineural hearing loss

*     Conductive hearing loss

*     Mixed hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss – When it comes to this type of hearing damage, it include a combination of both the sensory and neural hearing loss and it exists in both the ears of the humans. Due to the damage in the inner ear or in the auditory nerve, you will get this kind of sensorineural hearing loss.

Conductive hearing loss – Conductive hearing loss occurs when you have problems with conducting the sound waves at particular point through the outer portion of your ear, middle ear or eardrum. This type of the hearing damage happens when the conductive mechanism which probably functions by transferring the sound waves through your ears stop functioning partially or fully.

Mixed hearing loss – It is the combination of hearing loss both conductive and sensorineural. But the mixed hearing loss is permanent and you can’t cure it with the treatment.

Tips to reduce hearing damages:

A lot of experts agreed that the use of the ear phones or head phones have now become the major contributing factor of increasing the number of causes of hearing loss in the humans. The following are some of the useful tips according to Audio Reputation website to be considered to prevent the hearing damages when using the headphones.

Ø  Limit volume – Any sound which is noisy than 85 decibels will surely result in the permanent hearing defeat. But you can easily avoid it to level of volume of your music and you no need to purchase a volume meter for this measurement. You don’t use your music player volume at louder than 60 % of the maximum volume. If you use higher, it will cross over the 85 decibel measurement and you will get the hearing loss. In order to avoid it, you should only hear the music, taking to someone, listening news or anything with less than 60 % of the volume and it will be safe for your hearing ability.

Ø  Limit time – Hearing damage is not only happening about the higher volume but it also occurs due to the increased use of time. The longer exposure of the sound waves to your ears will also cause severe damage to your inner hearing parts. Whether you are using headphones for any purpose, it is better using half an hour to 1 hour not longer listening times to avoid hearing problems.

Ø  Choose the best headphones – The reason to have the difficulty in using the MP3 player volume at less than 60 % of the maximum volume is mainly because of the background noise. When you are at home, gym or anywhere, you get the increased surrounding noises and then you are using the higher volumes to hear the music. This is why you will get the hearing problems. In order to get rid of this issue and avoid the surrounding noises while hearing the music, you should use only theadvanced noise cancelling headphones. If you have selected the best head phone with the capability of noise cancellation, you can avoid background noise and limit sound volume to enjoy the high fidelity music at only the lower volumes.

The use of the head phones will also give your side effects to your genetics and cause some other illnesses due to the increased noise. In order to avoid all of such damages, you should follow these expert tips and try to reduce the noise level. 


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