Different collection of Medications for back pain

Medications for back pain should be prescribed by the Back Pain Doctor or the orthopaedic surgeon and aims to decrease inflammation and relax the muscles of the back to relieve pain.

Back pain can be treated with some medications in the form of tablets or injections such as:

  • Analgesics
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Combination of analgesics and muscle relaxants

These medications can be used to treat pain in the lumbar, cervical or dorsal spine, and your dose should be indicated by the doctor according to the cause of the pain in the spine. Know the causes and how to treat pain in the spine. You can easily search for the back and neck specialist near me.

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Home remedy for back pain

An excellent home remedy for back pain is to place a warm compress, since the heat relaxes the muscles and activates the blood circulation, helping to relieve the pains.

Another excellent home and natural remedy for back pain is ginger tea due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasodilator properties or the ginger compress. This would help in back nerve pain treatment.

To make the tea, you should place about 3 cm of ginger root in 1 cup of water and let it boil for 5 minutes. Next, strain, let cool and drink up to 3 times a day. To make the ginger compress, just scratch the same amount and apply on the back, covering it with gauze for 20 minutes. You can also visit the Back Pain Centers of America.

Natural remedy for pain in the spine

An excellent natural solution for pain in the spine is ginger tea due to its analgesic and vasodilating properties. It is also possible to make and place a ginger compress,

To make the tea, place 3 cm of the ginger root in 1 cup of water and let it boil for 5 minutes. Next, strain, let cool and drink up to 3 times a day. Now to make the ginger compress, just scratch the same amount of ginger and apply it on the painful region of the back, covering it with gauze, it should be kept there for 20 minutes.

Tips for relieving back pain

Other tips to relieve pain in the spine are:

  • Resting, lying on your back with your legs straight, slightly raised, without a pillow and with your arms extended along your body;
  • Take a bath of hot water, letting the water fall on the area of pain;
  • Receive a back massage with moisturizing body oil.

These measures may be enough to treat pain in the spine or you can complete back strain treatment with medications prescribed by the doctor.

What side effects can medications have to treat low back pain?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States, points out the following possible side effects in the case of drugs to treat low back pain. The fact that a side effect is possible does not mean you are going to have it.

Read Article: When To See A Doctor For Back Pain


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