# Hug A Newsperson Day

Without a doubt one of the best things about writing blogs about #hastagoftheday is that I come across the best of the best or in this case the funniest of the funniest. Today is #NationalHugANewspersonDay in other words if you see or know someone that works in the news... that's right do not assault them with hugs, I repeat DO NOT assault them with hugs. If you see someone kindly express your thoughts on their work (only if positive), calmly let them know what day it is (not the actual day although it is Thursday) and as them for permission to give you a hug or a side hug. Only then should you ask to take a selfie giving them a side hug so you can post on every social media channel possible to show the entire online community that you indeed participated in one of the strangest #hashtag days possible. 

In other words, I'd like to thank all of the news stations for their hard work and effort. Your commitment to your job is fantastic with all of the abusive comments or hateful social attacks on your person. Again thank you for the time and we all appreciate the amount of time it takes to give the appropriate news at any given time. 

I do not have any news person friends, but I am sending out a huge virtual hug to everyone that is a newsperson. Keep doing what you do and inform the world on all the positive and negative things going on in our communities. 

Thanks for reading, check me out tomorrow for a doozy of a blog! You won't regret it!! or you might I really don't know if you enjoy my blogs so... enjoy haha 


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