Words of wisdom-3

Quote of Today:

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

-Abraham Lincoln

Comment: The captioned quote reminds me of a Chinese proverb "磨刀不誤砍柴工。“ (Time used on sharpening the axe won't delay your job of chopping wood.) So universal wisdom rests in common sense , no matter west or east.



“If you could only tell them that living and spending isn't the same thing! But it's no good. If only they were educated to live instead of earn and spend, they could manage very happily on twenty-five shillings.“

-<Lady Chatterley’s Lover>

Comment: Living is not same thing as spending. Success in making money is not always a good criterion in success of life. Money is only used for survival, while living is something that money can never buy , because the valuable and real living is solely rooted in your heart. 




"The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work".

-Harry Golden

Comment: Fortune favors prepared mind, the hard work on preparing the mind is the only way to improve your luck. 'No pain, no gain' - although it is easy said than done, it is abolutely the truth for success,or even for making a living. There is no shortcut for 'prepared mind', just as there is no free lunch in this world.



We women worship when we love and when we lose our worship, we lose everything.

-Oscar Wilde-“An Ideal Husband”

Comment: Those who rest their love on worship are in short of wisdom, this is why they place 'worship' onto such a high and important position .



Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

-Abraham Lincoln

Comment: In the twilight of sunset , the shadow shows much longer than the tree,and no matter how brilliant the sun makes the shadow looks, yet the sun is going to set down, shadow will disappear once the sun is down.



“If things go on as they are, there's nothing lies in the future but death and destruction, for these industrial masses.”

-<Lady Chatterley’s Lover>

Comment: Now it is justifiey by the environmental disasters and also reveals the truth that mankind has the habit to dig tombs for themselves all the time.



"The secret for walking on water is that you know where the stones are. "

Comment: It is no secret that if you only know 600 Chinese characters , while others know 300 ,it is sure you will beat other candidates in the IB final exam and obtain a Grade 7, notwithstanding the syllabus of IB Chinese ab initio course require the students to master 1164 Chinese words.




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