Ice in Cereal?

Kiss musician Gene Simmions posted on Twitter of a photo of him adding ice to his cereal and asking the Twitter world if “Anyone else puts ice in their cereal?”. This made Twitter go into a bit of chaos as people were flabbergasted at the idea of this.

Why would you need to add ice cubes to your cereal? Is the milk too hot? Not cold enough? The milk should already be cold from it being in the fridge. It’s like Gene Simmons needs the milk to be a certain temperature to be satisfied. When you add ice to cereal, it waters down the cereal and brings down the integrity of the milk and cereal. Who has water and cereal together? Less than 1%. It’s just outrageous. Celebrities often can get some criticism for some of their odd combinations, but Gene Simmons took it to a whole new level.   


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