Healthy Food Substitutes

1. Chips with Popcorn

Chips are usually high in salt and come out to about average 10 chips per serving, while popcorn can offer you larger amounts for the same amount of calories. Thus, you feeling more full quicker and not having to eat all those calories. 

2. Frappuccino with Coffee and Coconut milk

Reduce the amount of sugar intake when drinking coffee and just use some coconut milk as a sweetener.

3. Burger with Protein Style (No bun)

The buns on fast food burgers are usually high in processed carbs, which is something you don’t want when trying to lose weight. Lose the carbs and use lettuce as your buns. 

4. Smoothie with HomemadeProtein Shake

Restaurant smoothies like Jamba Juice have really high sugar content. Make your own protein shake to still give you something cold and sweet after your workout, and it will give the necessary protein for recovery.

5. Burrito with Burrito Bowl

The tortilla from let’s say Chipotle has a bunch of processed carbs and calories that aren’t necessary. Instead, have a burrito bowl and cut out all that processed food. 

6. Candy Bar with Dark Chocolate

When you have that sweets craving, turn to dark chocolate to ease the craving. The higher the cacao the better. 

7. Orange Juice with Oranges

Don’t indulge in all the sugar that comes from drinking orange juice. Eat an orange to get the sweetness and vitamins.

8. Pasta with Vegetable Noodles 

Pasta is a food that offers you a small amount for a high amount of calories. Switch to vegetable noodles like zucchini that can see the amount you eat triple. 

9. Candy with Fruit

For those fruity candy cravings, use nature’s candy and eat blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Get the sweetness and the vitamins. 

10. Fake Butter with Grass-fed Ghee

Don’t put foods in your body that are inflammatories. Trade that in for grass-fed ghee and give your body more vitamins.


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