Life is a beautiful disaster

I want to smile 

I want to laugh

I want to hug friends and loved ones.

I want to somehow tap into this feeling and extend it through my day.

My whole body is buzzing with freedom and  energy – free of the stress and tension and energized with positive energy and a newfound appreciation for the wonders of the world around me.
I’m hoping that writing this down is going to help me corral some of this frequency.

I’m hoping that careful focus and reflection on how I’m feeling exactly right now will aid me in my personal evolution.   

I’m hoping I can move through this life more freely with less resistance, and that I can elevate the course of my own path because of it.  I’m also hoping that the honesty and momentum of these thoughts vibrating around in my mind right now can bounce off these typed words and resonate with you as well.

I’m writing all this down with hope, for all of us.
Life can be really fucking beautiful, but man is it a tricky thing to manage

    With love,


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