My first Day At Citrus College!

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My first day of college was good. At first I was so nervous because I was worried that I was going to get lost but thank goodness my mom  offered to take me to my class:) People told me that I would like college but i never believed it until now:) It's my third week in college and I love it. A few things that I like about college is the freedom. You don't feel restricted for example if you want to go off campus you can. Another thing I totally love is that they have starbuck!!:) Citrus College is such a nice college it has an amazing campus!:) For right now i'm just taking one class because the other classes were all full. The class I'm taking is called fitness for life:) it's a class that talks about being healthy and and exercising. The class is pretty good, they don't give so much homework well at least for now we will see throughout the semester. So far I have met one friend:) She is very nice,she is from Japan:) I enjoy being with her:) College isn't bad,I love It:) Let see how the rest of the semester goes:)


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